Looking For some Incredible Gifts

  If you are looking for some incredible gifts, you have got to visit  giftsforgood.com . This website is like no other. You can choose from a variety of unusual gifts. You can find gifts for every occasion, and for every business venture. These are the types of gifts that give back to the community. You might say” These are the types of gifts that keep on giving” forever. I have never seen gifts that give back of this magnitude. I am used to seeing limited, traditional gifts that you see in the stores, but nothing like the gifts on Gifts For Good. When I first visited the website, I didn’t know what to expect, but was happily surprised when I clicked around into different categories. Anyone who wants to give gifts and have that gift give back to others should visit the Gifts for Good website. I am amazed at the thought that went into creating this website. It was created by a group who values people and understands their needs. Now I can visit this website, and choose gifts f...



If you haven’t noticed, the act of giving is awesome.

Fortunately,there are limitless ways &reasons to bestow your generosity to someone special. While it is always fun watching the recipient’s reaction to your gift choice, the recipient is but one of a few who benefit when gifts for good are given.

Giving lifts the spirits of the giver and the recipient by nourishing each at their most base level – a level most often referenced as ‘the soul.’Soul benefits are most profound when the gifts have been sourced/produced by social enterprise operations and nonprofit organizations serving the needs of the most underrepresented populations across the globe.

Gift giving is a powerful way to learn how to show and receive appreciation – a form of gratitude experienced when you allow your conscious awareness to touch the good will and value inherent inanaltruistic (selfless concern) act of giving. [Note – this requires a willingness to explore that which is beyond the ego’s constant, never-satisfied nature.]

Giving gently forges human bonds and strengthens the unspoken connections between and among people, independent of their national origin, age, or life purpose. When selecting a meaningful gift –the gift of your beaming smile, your valuable time, holding the door for someone, preparing a meal, baking a birthday cake, or implementing an ode to the environment, everyone benefits from this thoughtful and meaningful act.

Here are four benefits offered to the gift giver alone!

It Offers An Endorphin Boost

Most people have experienced the joy of watching someone’s face light up as they opened a gift. The reality is part of the joy is likely attributed to the release of tiny neurochemicals – endorphins –which are triggered by a variety of events – which, fortunately, for the betterment of the world, includes any simple act of kindness. 

Source – healthline.com

At a neurological level,the human brain has been shown to be hard-wired to find pleasure in the act of giving, so if you need to boost your mood, it is simple - GIVE. In fact, according to a US National Library of Medicine/NIH report, kindness and giving is an integral part of healing!

It Can Help You Live Longer

A study from UM - the University of Michigan reveals results that suggest that contributing and giving to others may help extend the lives of those that are doing the giving. Further, these results also suggests that what makes human contact so beneficial and valuable is not what is received but by what is given.

It Builds Stronger Connections With Others& The Community

Giving to others helps build communities and offers individuals a chance to be a part of an essential aspect what it means to be human – socializing. According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), research reveals that -

·         When individuals find they have improved feelings of trust and belonging, they are likelier to live healthier lives than those who are marginalized or isolated.

·         When individuals have more significant community connections, they are more inclined to want to improve the health of themselves and others – a collective improvement for all.

It Reduces Stress

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh & the University of California – through a study published in Science Daily (2016), revealed that those study -subjects who gave the most support to others showed reduced activity in those areas of the human brain associate with stress. These measured responses were taken while participants were asked to complete complex (i.e., stressful) math tasks.

It Improves Happiness & Lifts Depression

According to MRI research from Emory University,philanthropic giving and kindness light up the reward & pleasure centers in the human brain. This phenomenon is known as the helper’s high, which is characterized by a euphoric, feel-good response when engaging in a charitable or giving activity.

In fact, these areas that are lit when giving gifts for good are the same areas activated by other pleasurable activities like food or sex.

The Take-Away

From a societal point of view, each of us is taught to give gifts on certain occasions – birthdays or anniversaries, among others. But beneath this acceptable societal custom lies its true meaning. Giving speaks to and sends a very much need message in today’s modern world - a message of shared appreciation for one another and Mother Earth.

A simple gift or kind act is a powerful reminder about how little things can make a huge and positive impact on someone else but, more unexpectedly, on your well-being. A gift is a message of appreciation and gratitude.

To all, I gift you peace.




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